Ledger - Program Arguments

ledger.exe -h
usage: ledger.exe [-h] [-V] [-v] [-d] [-q]
               [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
               [--log-disable] [--lang LANG]
               [--db {twinhead,wowhead,classicdb,id}]
               [--include-mail INCLUDE_MAIL] [--gold-format GOLD_FORMAT]
               [--view {character,location,mail,item,worn,gold,factiongold,raw}]
               [-f {csv,excel,tsv,unix}] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SEARCH]

List possessions stored on accounts in a World of Warcaft vanilla 1.12 folder.
This program currently requires the Possessions addon to be installed in World
of Warcraft.

positional arguments:
folder                World of Warcraft folder path

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-V, --version         show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose
-d, --debug
-q, --quiet
--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                      level of logging (default: warning)
--log-disable         disable logging to file
--lang LANG           language (default: en)
--db {twinhead,wowhead,classicdb,id}
                      item link database (default: twinhead)
--include-mail INCLUDE_MAIL
                      include items in mail for views with location
--gold-format GOLD_FORMAT
                      output format for gold (default:"{gold}g {silver:02d}s
--view {character,location,mail,item,worn,gold,factiongold,raw}
                      view of the data (default: "character" for non-excel)
-f {csv,excel,tsv,unix}, --format {csv,excel,tsv,unix}
                      output file format (default: excel)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      output file (default: output.tsv, "-" is console)
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                      search for string, results always in console